Angelica and i both work on the weekends so it gets pretty hard. Our day starts off with waking up around 7:30-8:30 am we brush our teeth and Myahs teeth and head to the living room. I turn on our projector and put on either YouTube learning videos or of course her favorite movie Moana. Myah watches tv while i make coffee and breakfast. After breakfast I usually get Myah dressed for the day. We just relax until its time for me to go into work. At 11am i try to see if Myah is interested in nursing and if she is i will nurse her. Around 11:15am i start to get my lunch packed and get myself dressed to go into work, I work from noon until 8pm. Before i leave for work i try to put Myah down for her first nap. We don't put Myah in daycare so I'm either with her or Angelica is, we work around each others work schedule to make it happen. Myah will wake up from her nap after about an hour to an hour and a half. Angelica will feed her lunch and clean her up and put in the living r...
Hello, and welcome to our blog. Our names are Ana & Angelica we also have a little one named Myah who is rocking an extra chromosome. We want to share our story with you and we hope you enjoy reading. If you would like us to write about anything specific please feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments.