Angelica and i both work on the weekends so it gets pretty hard.
Our day starts off with waking up around 7:30-8:30 am we brush our teeth and Myahs teeth and head to the living room. I turn on our projector and put on either YouTube learning videos or of course her favorite movie Moana. Myah watches tv while i make coffee and breakfast. After breakfast I usually get Myah dressed for the day. We just relax until its time for me to go into work. At 11am i try to see if Myah is interested in nursing and if she is i will nurse her. Around 11:15am i start to get my lunch packed and get myself dressed to go into work, I work from noon until 8pm. Before i leave for work i try to put Myah down for her first nap. We don't put Myah in daycare so I'm either with her or Angelica is, we work around each others work schedule to make it happen. Myah will wake up from her nap after about an hour to an hour and a half. Angelica will feed her lunch and clean her up and put in the living room to play with her toys. Angelica will do a couple things around the house and play with Myah until they both get sleepy enough to take a nap before she goes into work. Once Angelica and Myah are sleepy enough they will both take a nap for a couple of hours. When they wake up from their nap Myah will either have dinner if she is hungry or just some milk after giving her either or it is normally time for Angelica to get ready to go into work, she will get Myah dressed if she needs to be dressed, and then Angelica will then get herself dressed and get lunch/dinner packed for work. Angelica leaves our house around 7:30 pm and arrives at my job at 7:45 she will drop Myah off with me and head to her job. Once Myah is dropped off with me i will let her crawl around for a bit until i finish what needs to be done at my job and make sure nothing else needs to be done. We leave at 8pm and head home. Once we arrive home if Myah has not had dinner i will see if she wants dinner, she will eat and then get cleaned up and dressed for bed. Myah will nurse right before bed once she is done nursing we will go into the bathroom brush her teeth and i will put her down for bed, she normally goes to bed between 9:00-9:30. After she is in bed i will try to clean up a little around the house or just go and lay in bed until i get sleepy. We do this for the weekends so that we can both work and this is just what works for us. It can get pretty tiring for Angelica especially on Sunday's because she gets home at 8am and i leave for work at 11:45am. She naps until i have to go to work, i try to put Myah down for a nap before i leave so she is asleep by the time i leave and that helps Angelica get more sleep but that is not always the case, Myah will sometimes be awake when i leave so that means Angelica needs to get up. Since Sunday's are harder Angelica and Myah enjoy a relaxing day at home and nap.
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