How did we get pregnant??
At home sperm insemination.
Angelica had watched some videos on successful at home sperm inseminations and figured we would give it a try. The video had a list of things they bought to help themselves conceive.
The things we bought were:
Sterilized cups
Female menstrual cups (soft cups)
Ovulation tests
Pregnancy tests
We started the process in early July 2015, we had tried to let Angelica have the first baby, we had a known donor. Angelica Took vitext a week before her ovulation to help with her cervix. She also took Robitussin for a week prior to her ovulation to help clear the mucus that surrounds your cervix. We got a positive ovulation test so we got everything ready and headed over to our donors home. We had our donor do his business in the sterilized cup, we then put some of his "swimmers" inside of a syringe and the rest inside of a soft cup we inserted both and left the soft cup inside for 10 hours. We did that process twice with Angelica. Early August 2015 we took a pregnancy test and it came out negative, we were bummed. Angelica had a doctors appointment and the doctors took a pregnancy test and it came out positive! The doctor told us not to get to excited because it was so early and she was only a few weeks along. Angelica had started bleeding and we had to go to the hospital because she was in pain and bleeding so much. While at the hospital they did a pregnancy test which came out negative this was a week after she tested positive. We were so bummed but knew it just wasn't our time. We had agreed that we would try again but that i would try. We did the same process that we did with angelica but we just went straight into in and i did not take any extra steps like Angelica had. We had tried myself August 18, 20, 27 2015 we were hopeful. I can't even remember how many pregnancy test i took i was ready to see a positive test! September 9, 2015 we finally got a positive test!! We were so excited but knew anything could happen. We had our first ultrasound sound when i was five weeks and six days pregnant. We came back when i was about 10 weeks pregnant and there was still a baby so when i reached 3 months we announced that we were pregnant.
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