Myah was born May 6th 2016 at 11:00 am. Doctors checked her and said that they did not see anything serious and that i was able to go back our room with us. My wife had to go to work at two so she was unable to stay with us.My sister, nieces and nephew came to see myah, they enjoyed seeing her and they were excited to get a cousin.
Myah was having a hard time nursing so the lactation consultant had me feed her through a syringe, and spoon but we did not give up. Myah and i cuddled and spend time together Angelica had left work and was heading back to the hospital. Angelica arrived at the hospital around midnight we spent time together as a family. Around 2 am we were both needing some rest so i called the nurse and asked her to take myah for a couple of hours.
The nurse called me not even two minutes later and informed us that myah had turned purple and she was sent off to the nicu and that the doctor would be calling us. The doctor called the room and told us that myah was having respiratory issues and that she was in need of oxygen and that she will be staying in the nicu. He also let us know that myah would be needing an echo to rule out any heart issues, we wanted to make sure our baby was going to be ok so we allowed him to check her out. A few hours passed by and we went to see myah in the nicu. It was very emotional for both of us seeing myah with iv's and monitors. The doctor came in and told us that she was still having respiratory issues and she needed to stay, but that her echo was good and they did not see any issues. We were so glad to hear that she had no heart issues. We both looked at each other and noticed thats myah looked a little orange we asked the nurse what it could be and she said that they would do some testings. I was released the next day May 8th 2016, i waited for Angelica to pick me up she was home sleeping since she had worked all night. Angelica arrived and we went to see Myah. The blood results had not came back yet so we weren't sure if myah had jaundice or not, we figured she did. We were told that she was still needing oxygen and she would need to stay. We were heart broken that we didn't get to bring our baby girl home, we knew she was early so we put it in our minds that she needed more time to "cook" as we said. We left the hospital and went home we knew she was in good hands but missed her so much. Angelica had a doctors appointment that next morning so we planned to go to the appointment and right after go and see Myah. Things did not go as planned, Angelica had an MRI done and they seen an abscessed on her intestines and that she needed to be admitted to get a drainage put in. We both broke down knowing she would have to stay and not see myah and knowing how hard it was going to be going from one hospital to the other taking care of our dogs and pumping. We hoped it would be an easy thing to do but it ended up being the start of it all. I was going from hospital to hospital every day having to go home and take our puppies out go to sleep and do it all over again the next day. Finally i broke down it was way to much for me to handle i was ready for our baby and my wife to be at home with me, i hated having to see my baby with all the iv's and cords. I know it could be worse but no one wants to see their baby like that. And worse Angelica was having to see her daughter through a phone. This went on for a week, Angelica was finally released from the hospital and she was able to go see her baby. Myah was released a day after Angelica was i was so excited that they were finally able to come home.
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