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Showing posts from October, 2017

The year of the helmet.

We never actually noticed that Myahs head was shaped weird. We started physical therapy and her therapist noticed that it was a little flat in the back. We asked her pediatrician if it looked ok and she looked at some X-rays that she had done and said that everything looked fine. We went back to her physical therapist a couple of times and she mentioned it again and she asked us if we wanted to get a second opinion and she could refer us to a clinic to get her scanned and see if she actually needed a helmet or not. We agreed to check it out and see if she needed it or not,  we were informed that the longer she you wait the longer they will need to wear there helmet. We tried to get her in as quick as possible but the first appointment was more than a month out. We got her appointment set up and we patiently waited  for her appointment. It was the day of her appointment and i was very emotional because i felt like she did need a helmet and just didn't want her to wear a...